Alliance Crafts

We are Alliance Crafts, maker and supplier of proudly Philippine made eco bag. For the past years we supply to companies, groceries, stores, offices, groups and individuals. Our bags are made of nonwoven fabric which is biodegradable, Reusable, Durable, eco friendly, printable and 100% recyclable. We have ready-made standard sizes eco bag ready for pick-up on a first-come first-serve basis. We also customize Client desired eco bag size, style and color. We Print and we ship eco bag nationwide via LBC, JRS, Pambato Cargo, AP Cargo, Bus Liners, Cebu Pacific cargo.
Alliance Crafts
Our Mission
To provide Quality products and Excellent Services that contributes in the community development and national growth through clients’ satisfaction.
Our Vision
To promote innovative Eco-Friendly Philippine crafts aiming a positive impact in the global market with excellent standards and satisfy the never ending demands of our customers through our exceptional quality, and competitive pricing.